Quetzalcoatl Community is located on 14 acres outside of Silver City, New Mexico. It is a land of pinon, juniper, oak, cottonwood and agave. Our neighbors are the javalina, bear, fox, rabbit, mouse, hawk, vulture, coyote, wolf, deer, elk, skunk, porcupine and eagle. We have a few human neighbors too.
Our ecovillage on this land is enjoyed by people who have a shared perspective of Nature and our place in it. It is our mission to heal ourselves and the larger community with the healing systems of Ayurveda and curanderismo. We do not allow poisons, chemicals or smoking tobacco on the land. We are comfortably offgrid with solar systems and good internet service.
This land has good water and we practice permaculture to bring fertility to the soil. It is quiet, and though the highway is just 3 miles away, it cannot be heard. The ecovillage is 15 minutes from Silver City. Come and do ceremony with us, grow organic food, medicinal plants and livestock. There is a community room with a kitchen and bathrooms. You would need to bring a camper, tent or yurt to live in for now though we do sometimes have homes to rent. After people have lived on the land for one year you can build on it and have a lifetime lease ( we cannot legally sell portions of the land).
Those who want to join the community are expected to bring a couple hundred pounds of grains or beans and to grow some food to share. We usually have meals together a couple of times a month.
We accept only those who have had some shamanic apprenticeship. If you would like to consider joining the community and have not yet done a shamanic apprenticeship, you can read about the Escuela de Curanderismo, described on this site and in more detail at curanderahealing.com.
Please email us at [email protected] or at [email protected]
Board Members
Laura Fernandez
Nigel Torres
Danielle McFarlin
Greg Schoem
Wendy Graves
Amber Ramirez Hoffman
Wendy Atkinson
Albert Vigil
Athena Wolf