Quetzalcoatl Temple serves the community with;
Giveaways of medicinal plants to communities in New Mexico and Texas with education on how to grow and use them. Those include; Moringa trees, Mullein, Golden Seal, Rhodiola, Mint, Mugwort, Ashwagandha, Yerba Mansa, Kalmegh, Chamomile, Comfrey, Holy Basil, San Pedro and many others. Please send a message if you'd like to attend to [email protected].
You are welcome to come to any or all of the events on the solstices.
Apprenticeships in the Escuela de Curanderismo;
Botanical garden of the medicinal plants of the Maya and Naga Maya;
Solstice, Equinox and Moon ceremonies open to the public;
Medicinal plants and seeds from the botanical gardens and the greenhouse;
Cold pressed sesame oil which we make and give to the community.
Our podcast and livestreams on the culture, art, history and language of the Maya and Naga Maya.
You can donate to our efforts on the Botanical Garden page.
Board Members
Laura Fernandez
Nigel Torres
Danielle McFarlin
Greg Schoem
Wendy Graves
Kate Saqqara
Albert Vigil
Athena Wolf